Sunday, November 29, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and Happy Holidays!

I can't believe how fast this year has went. I mean I'm already feeling behind on my Christmas shopping. hee hee  Yes, I am one of those who likes to get their shopping done... oh about a month or two before Christmas!  It works great for the ones I can't wait to buy gifts for. When Christmas gets here I find more gifts I want to make or get for them! 

But more than gifts... this time of the year is about what we have to be thankful for. For spending the time with our family and friends and celebrating in the real reason for the season!

I got home after a wonderful thanksgiving meal with my boyfriends family and sat down thinking about all that I have be thankful for. This year alone I have been blessed in so many wonderful ways. I was worrying about not making time in the past few weeks to be able to blog and share all the great sessions. That's when I realized... WHAT A GREAT "problem"! 

THANK you for being the wonderful, supportive family, friends and clients that you are! I have been blessed to meet many of you for the first time this year, to celebrate with you on the enormous moments in your lives and to capture the memories. 

I have much, much more to so say thank you for, but it is time for dinner. I am off to take share in a meal with family and friends in town for the holiday!  

Take care!  Thank you!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Joel & Kelsey

All You Need is LOVE...

Joel and Kelsey are getting married June 26 in Scottsbluff, NE. I can't wait for the wedding these two are so much fun to work with. The looks they give each other out of playfulness is priceless!

Kelsey and I both went to country schools back in the day when we were in grade school. Then every year in the spring there would be a track meet put on for all the country schools. I still laugh at how I would enter all the throwing events like football throw, softball, ect. because I knew Kelsey would be in the races and would no doubt WIN! Ha ha I guess I was a poor loser, but I knew how to get a blue ribbon... stay out of the running events with Kelsey! :)

Then she went on the run track at Chadron State College were she met Joel! Well... the rest is history!

I wish you two the best and can't wait to to work with you on your wedding day!

Monday, November 16, 2009


These two are the closest thing growing up that I had to younger siblings! I remember changing both of their diapers, packing them around sporting events and best of all... cutting their hair for the first times!!! Actually for his first hair cut my sister held his head so he wouldn't move and we put in a move for him to watch. Placed the chair right in front of the tv and before we knew it he was fast asleep and drooling all over her!!! HA Ha Good times! 

 WE had lots of fun and spend lots of nights sleeping over on the coach! Their big sister, was my twin sister and I's really good friend and high school classmate.  Thank you for coming up and allowing me to capture their warm smiles and cute mischievous grins!!!

I miss you all very much!


Here's a few from Damon's session on Thursday! We had a great day and he was a good sport to get all the different looks we got!

Thanks for coming in! I look forward to hearing how your wrestling season goes! Best of luck!

Joe & Linda's Family

Wow! I know it's been a week or so again! I think everyday... "I need to get some of the photos uploaded and what a great story I have to tell about the session!"

... then... I run out of time! So... I will start with one session and try to catch up on all the others!

Joe & Linda came up two weekends ago and we met and drove up to Sylvan Lake in Custer State Park! The day was wonderful!!! We actually were talking on the drive up on how some snow would have been nice and then we found some!

They have four great children. We hiked all over the one side of the lake. Climbing up on rocks, going through the narrow passage ways and walking over icy pathways. I laughed a lot at all the various comments from the kids. They were eager to show me new places to take photos. Ha ha!

It was wonderful to catch up with all of them! My last years of high school Linda was my study hall teacher and I miss our little chats! We also shared a love of volleyball and it was fun to chat about that too!

Well... here are a few of their kids!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

... more on Carter!

So... these are the photos of the two little loves of my life right now!

James is a little over a year and a half now and Carter is 4 days old in these photos. It was a quick little session with the attention span we had to work with, but they did great!!! James is such a wonderful BIG brother and loves to rub the babies head and give him kisses. He's at the time where he is learning so many things and one of them being parts of his body. He's mastered where his nose and eyes are... and likes to show where his little brothers are!!! LOL He just isn't quite gentle enough!

I had to attach this last one here of James as he is pouting!! LOL :) OH it makes me laugh every time!! It was like he was doing great and then all of a sudden he was done. ha ha
My brother has him already getting ready for football with his..."down, set, hut, hut... HIKE!"
It's too cute!!!

Thanks to my amazing sister-in-law for helping me with these. You are the best!

To my BIG brother.... I couldn't be more proud of you as the wonderful daddy you are to your two little boys! Love you!

Well... now that I have shared a bit of what's been going on in my personal life... I'll get back to some amazing senior sessions I've also photographed this week!

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful weekend!

Carter Matthew....

Here's some of the photos from the quick little "studio set-up" we came up with at my brothers this week!

Monday, November 2, 2009



What a BEAUTIFUL day we have! It's absolutely amazing out there today.

We were very fortunate for the great day for Taylor's senior photos!!! I told her over and over again, but what a wonderful smile she has and every time!

We jumped all over the place this morning enjoying all the different areas that we could take in.

Taylor thanks for the enjoyable senior session! I had to take a sneak peak at the photos and wanted to share a few of my favorites with you!

Drive home safely and keep in touch!

.... as for me.... I'm off to go see my nephew who was born on the 29th of October!!! Carter... HERE I COME!!! I'll have some of his photos to show when I get back on Wednesday!

Take care

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Darin & Katie...

Here's a few from Darin and Katie's wedding!!!

October 17...

A beautiful Trick or Treat night...

I think last night has to go down for one of the nicest nights for the little trick or treaters!!! It wasn't windy, it was warm and a clear sky to enjoy the almost full moon. The Halloween's I remember as a child we were bundled up and driving through snow storms lots of the time. ha ha! The things parents do for their kids!

I hope everyone enjoyed the night last night!

Last week went by so quickly I realized I hadn't even sat down to right a little note. I spent a majority of the week designing Christmas Cards and then finished the week off with two great sessions.

Friday morning Kinsie and her mom drove up from NE for her senior session. The roads were a little slick most of the way but when they arrived in Rapid we didn't have slick roads to get through but... wind!!! Lots of wind!  Kinsie toughed through it though and we have lots of fun images from the outdoor session!  Thanks for making the trip... You did a great job!

On friday afternoon, Colton and Summer came by for their engagement session. I was thinking the night before when the weather wasn't very good that their trip from Minnesota may not happen, but they made it! I haven't gotten to look at all the photos from the session but they did such a great job that I know there will be lots to pick from! You two have a great relationship of giving and taking and getting through obstacles and distances. I wish you so many happy memories planning this wedding and for all the years after!!! Congrats once again! I'm smiling thinking of how exciting it will see Summer in her wedding gown walking toward Colton and the look that will be on his face!  You two look at each other in a way that makes anyone smile if they see it. Thanks for sharing this time with me! 

The other exciting news this week...

I am an aunt again!!! My brother had his second child! I look forward to sharing some photos of Carter when I get back on Wednesday. Yep... I'm heading over to see them after my session tomorrow!!! I have a two little boys to spoil now and take my job as an auntie... Very, VERY, vErY seriouslY!!!!  Take care till next time!