Friday, November 6, 2009

... more on Carter!

So... these are the photos of the two little loves of my life right now!

James is a little over a year and a half now and Carter is 4 days old in these photos. It was a quick little session with the attention span we had to work with, but they did great!!! James is such a wonderful BIG brother and loves to rub the babies head and give him kisses. He's at the time where he is learning so many things and one of them being parts of his body. He's mastered where his nose and eyes are... and likes to show where his little brothers are!!! LOL He just isn't quite gentle enough!

I had to attach this last one here of James as he is pouting!! LOL :) OH it makes me laugh every time!! It was like he was doing great and then all of a sudden he was done. ha ha
My brother has him already getting ready for football with his..."down, set, hut, hut... HIKE!"
It's too cute!!!

Thanks to my amazing sister-in-law for helping me with these. You are the best!

To my BIG brother.... I couldn't be more proud of you as the wonderful daddy you are to your two little boys! Love you!

Well... now that I have shared a bit of what's been going on in my personal life... I'll get back to some amazing senior sessions I've also photographed this week!

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful weekend!

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