Sunday, November 1, 2009

A beautiful Trick or Treat night...

I think last night has to go down for one of the nicest nights for the little trick or treaters!!! It wasn't windy, it was warm and a clear sky to enjoy the almost full moon. The Halloween's I remember as a child we were bundled up and driving through snow storms lots of the time. ha ha! The things parents do for their kids!

I hope everyone enjoyed the night last night!

Last week went by so quickly I realized I hadn't even sat down to right a little note. I spent a majority of the week designing Christmas Cards and then finished the week off with two great sessions.

Friday morning Kinsie and her mom drove up from NE for her senior session. The roads were a little slick most of the way but when they arrived in Rapid we didn't have slick roads to get through but... wind!!! Lots of wind!  Kinsie toughed through it though and we have lots of fun images from the outdoor session!  Thanks for making the trip... You did a great job!

On friday afternoon, Colton and Summer came by for their engagement session. I was thinking the night before when the weather wasn't very good that their trip from Minnesota may not happen, but they made it! I haven't gotten to look at all the photos from the session but they did such a great job that I know there will be lots to pick from! You two have a great relationship of giving and taking and getting through obstacles and distances. I wish you so many happy memories planning this wedding and for all the years after!!! Congrats once again! I'm smiling thinking of how exciting it will see Summer in her wedding gown walking toward Colton and the look that will be on his face!  You two look at each other in a way that makes anyone smile if they see it. Thanks for sharing this time with me! 

The other exciting news this week...

I am an aunt again!!! My brother had his second child! I look forward to sharing some photos of Carter when I get back on Wednesday. Yep... I'm heading over to see them after my session tomorrow!!! I have a two little boys to spoil now and take my job as an auntie... Very, VERY, vErY seriouslY!!!!  Take care till next time!

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