Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Specials!!!

Set up your child's session and bring along their Halloween costume for no extra charge!!!

And... RECEIVE 2 FREE 5x7s of a Halloween Portrait!!!

Call or e-mail to book a session!!!
308.430.1179 or

Mini Vacation!!!

Hello Hello!

Yes, I have to admit I took a mini vacation last week. I was really starting to miss my twin sister and so... I packed up my bags and hit the road! It was an amazing few days. I stopped in NE to "help" my dad buy calves and visit him for a day then drove over to my sisters in WY. We enjoyed catching up and really not doing much at all together besides cooking some amazing meals. ha ha... you know you try hard to not just eat when you are with your family but it never seems to go that way! We love to cook so that really gets us going in the wrong direction too! LOL

I attempted to work on some editing and designing there, but was not successful when it came to sending any of the work. Yes, I know in big cities you pay for internet at a coffee shop, but not where I live. So... after I paid for a block of internet service it was terribly slow. Needless to say I don't have a lot of patience for slow uploading and decided that work would just have to wait.

Before the final trek back home I was excited to make a stop off at my brother's home and visit him and the growing little family! My nephew is growing so fast and talking like crazy. I think we got to read the new farm book to him with the pop up photos at least ten times. Everytime he would make the noise for all the animals!!! So darn cute!!! I loved it!

Now I'm back and excited to share with all of you the fun and exciting photos from the past week or two.

Today I will be uploading some photos from Rachel's session that we finished yesterday. The first day her session was scheduled the weather was rainy and cold. We worked on her indoor photos and then post-poned the outdoor till last night. Let me tell you... if you weren't out last night it was a shame. It was absolutely beautiful. There was no wind and the colors are so warm and well kinda cozy!!! Rachel has one of the most natural smiles and cutest little nose wrinkles when she laughs really hard.
I had such a fun time on your session and was picking out stickers last night after we got back from the session. I hope you didn't have as much poking going on as me! Thanks for your free spirit and easy going with all the weather delays. I look forward to hearing from you in years to come with all you chose to pursue! Remember... You don't have to know what you want to do or be... you just follow your heart and start with the basics! You'll get there, I'm sure!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Aaron & Addison

I wanted to start sharing with you a little personal project that I have been wanting to do. It is in the beginning steps but I thought a little look at some of the fun photos would be appropriate!

Ever since I could remember I was taking photos . I would take the film camera my mom had and go photograph all the horses, cows, chickens, ducks, and whatever small creatures we had on the ranch. Then I won't forget the first images I captured of the portrait nature...

I made my twin sister dress up in the attire I picked out for her :)  hee hee and set up a little studio set in our bedroom. Soon after that, the weather warmed up and she got to be a "little model" outside!  There were amazing barns, wheat fields and abandoned house that we went to. 
It still makes me smile to how patient she was with me!  I mean I had her in a barn with wasps flying all around her and I was like, "Just smile!!!" OH boy!!! She takes patient to another level! Thanks Jes!

So... my personal project is to gather a collaboration of portraits of twins! Laughing, smiling, hugging, chillin', playing, talking, and communicating in the language that everyone else wants to understand. I have lots of ideas for the end goals of this project, but those will come at a later time and with some help of a great friend  of mine I will continue to have someone help capture my sister and I!  I hope you all enjoy reading the process of this project. Let me know if you have any fun stories or comments to share. OR... if you know of any twins... SEND THEM MY WAY!!!

Here are a few of Aaron & Addison's session. Addison really got into the jewelry I had! I have lots more but this is your little glimpse!

Enjoy this foggy, yet warmer day! I'm off to get set up for a senior session!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's Wednesday!

Good evening!  

ha ha... I always laugh when I write that cause I don't know when you will be reading this!  It may be morning, afternoon, or night.

Anyway!  Today seemed like it was going to spoil Whitney's plans for senior photos out at the farm house...


It was absolutely beautiful, with all the warm colors of fall. The rustic look of the buildings and the fog that was settling in the hills made for amazing scenery.  I have to give lots of credit to Whitney for toughing it through the cold as everyone gets to do with sessions this time of the year. BURRrrrr....

Then into the studio to capture some of the amazing pieces of art work that you have done! You truly are talented and I hope you pursue it! Even if it is for personal use only!  You have a skill there!

Dawn thanks for all of your help! You are a wonderful chauffeur, clothes holder, blanket warmer, and well I could go on and on. Thanks!

I'm off to dinner tonight but will try to get some sneak peaks up for you!

I had a great time!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Nicole... thanks for being so patient for your little sneak peak!

What a beautiful day we had for your senior photos. The sun was shining the weather was the perfect temperature and it was such a relaxed session!

Here's two of the fun ones with your guitar.

I just love your laugh in the one!


Thank You!


You all have been wonderful.

Thank you to all the readers, supporters, blog reply-ers (hee hee), Facebook viewers, family and friends! This year has been a hit so far and I owe it all to you!

I am a busy, busy little bee working away to show all of you your portrait sessions! I want to let you know if I was unable to get a sneak peak up for you... I apologize but time ran out and it was easiest to just upload them to your online gallery!

If anyone has any fun stories from your session that you want to tell or to share send them my way! Either on here on to

I'd love to share them with everyone!!!


Sunday, October 11, 2009


The snow was falling... and I was screaming with excitement today during Shelby's senior photos!

I actually think it will continue to keep snowing into the evening and I look forward to hearing that Shelby and her mom and sister made it home safely to NE on these roads.

:) What a great SENIOR session! Her outfits were perfect, fun and colorful! We enjoyed the warmth of the studio for the larger majority of the session but then didn't let a lot of snow falling to stop our outdoor enthusiasm. LOL

Thanks to her wonderful sister and mom for their help and smiles!

Shelby is such a sweetie and you can't help but to get lost in her amazing eyes! Thanks for making the drive up her girls! I enjoyed all the new spots we were able to explore today... and yes... I LOVED the awesome snowflakes!!! I have to admit I jumped... and screamed with excitement at how I could actually see all the details to the snowflakes. I mean it was like all the clones we make of snowflakes really do look like the real thing! What an amazing gift that was created for us to enjoy!

... some more than others!!! Hee hee

Take care!

Enjoy your sneak peak...

Keep warm!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Clay & McKayla

Wew!!! Just getting back in and warming up my fingers enough to send out a little blog for Clay and McKayla's engagement session.

We were able to move their session up from 5pm to 2pm today and are so thankful for being able to do that. It sure was getting colder and colder out there!

Fall colors, the creek, smiles, laughter, sunshine, long sleeve shirts... and SNOW!!! Wait the best part was the final touch they added with their beanies! :)

Can't wait to check all those out! LOL They were so darn cute!!

Clay and McKayla are engaged to be married on January 2, 2010! What a wonderful way to bring in the new year!

I had such a wonderful time. Thanks for your genuine smiles, your heart felt laughter and for the memories.

Enjoy these couple of shots!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Hello everyone!

Today was one of those amazingly long days! I mean I got up at 5:30am went to the Business Networking Group I'm in and enjoyed some Chai Tea with the other great professionals in the group. By eight thirty I was back at the studio and setting up a slide show, photo displays and gathering products to take to the Zonta Expo. By ten I was loaded up and headed over to the Civic Center. We set up quickly and rushed back to the studio to work on some orders, e-mails, photo shoots! Then back to the expo at 3pm!!!

It was a wonderful experience if you have never been a part of any Zonta fundraising or event.

Zonta International is a global organization
of executives and professionals working together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. Nearly 33,000 members belong to more than 1,200 Zonta Clubs in 67 countries and geographic areas.

The exhibitor's like myself were enthusiastic to work with and out to really enjoy the evening. The prices and drawings were unbelievable, to show the support for this group.

Check out Zonta's Website for more information and support!

Next time if you hear of Zonta... GO CHECK IT OUT!!! I would recommend it!

Well... it's almost 9 and I have some more work to do! Until next time... Take care :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The boys...

These twins are turning 4 today!!! Happy birthday to the two of them! I hope all their fun surprises today go as planned.

Yesterday was the perfect day for their photos. We couldn't have asked for warmer fall weather, beautiful leaves, colors and everyone had their naps in! I think if I could have had my wish we could have went on climbing trees, fishing, piling what leaves there were and forget about going back to the studio!

These two photos are two of my favorites! I just love the little look on their younger brothers face and the twins are just "classic" up on the tree like the big boys they are! I will not add all the photos up here that could be used to show the boy's girlfriends some day, I'll keep those for their parents!

Thanks for bringing your boys Jaime! They are so adorable!

I still sit here and laugh when I go through their session. There are just so many expressions and looks!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Adam & Sonja


First snow!

Yes, once again it is Monday!  We are starting this week off with lots of moisture that did indeed turn into a bit of snow last night. It's actually still raining on top of the small amount of ground coverage that we received of snow. Rain is probably one of the few things that does put a bit of a damper on outdoor photos. :(

Because of the crazy winds we had last week on Friday, the senior sessions were only able to take half of their sessions and complete the indoor part. Rachel and I had some fun working with the old windows in the studio's building and staying out of the wind and cold. I'm anxious to hear how her hunting experience went that day after her photos!!!

Saturday was a complete success for the outdoor photos planned for Adam and Sonja's wedding. It was a long day for the wedding party as they were up and getting hair done in the early hours of the morning and then by 9am we were all loading into the limo's to drive up into Spearfish's beautiful canyon!

The fall colors are in the perfect phase as the bright yellow leaves have traces of orange and some of the ground foliage is turning brilliant red.  The canyon had snow so we were also able to have the fall snow photos!  

The wedding party were troopers as they tried to bundle up into jackets between photos with temperatures down into the 50s or below. I guess I never really asked I just new it was really cold and fingers were a bit freezin!!!

The bridesmaids dresses were strapless and to the floor with a small train and deep wine red which set off beautifully to the fall leaves in our backgrounds. The black tuxes stood out really sharp with the soft warm yellow leaves and added the contrast needed.

When photos finished up in the canyon we loaded back into the limo's and went and enjoyed a very romantic wedding ceremony at the church. Sonja, I have to tell you picked out some beautiful wedding music! I really enjoyed it!

Everything turned out beautifully for their day and the weather couldn't have been anymore perfect for the first of October and rain and snow the next day!!!

I wish you two all the happiness life has!

I'll have some photos to share a bit later!

Happy Monday! Enjoy your week and thanks for checking out the blog and great clients stories!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

09.26.09 ~Joe & Britney~

Congrats to the newlyweds!

I hope you are enjoying your Hawaii honeymoon. :)

I want to thank you for the patience and excitement through all the photos. It is really a treat to work with two people who relax and enjoy themselves.

Britney you were glowing... your dress was absolutely perfect for you! I loved the delicate lace and red heals to finish your attire off!

All the shades of orange in the flowers and deep red bridesmaids dresses topped off the elegant fall color scheme.

I really don't think anyone could have prayed for a better day! It truly was perfect out with the leaves changing colors, the temperature in the eighties, blue skies painted the back drop for our landscapes and a sweet chapel to add the finishing touch.

Besler's Cadillac Ranch ( was by far a great personal touch for the ceremony and celebration. What a beautiful ranch!

... and who could have planned to sun to be setting on the two of you as you are announced as man and wife?!?!? WOW!!

I wish you two many, many years of happy marriage.

Thank you to all the parents, family and friends who were so welcoming and wonderful supporters in the celebration and days activities.

Here's your sneak peak!


Yes, because of the weather today I am going to just stay inside out of the wind where it is nice and warm...

and update you with all the great sessions!!!

Here's a few of Mary's session! We went up into the hills and found some beautiful locations with great light. The evening couldn't have been any better weather. Mary you are one sweet girl and a joy to work with. Always keep that amazing outlook in life!!!



Fall is Here!

Good morning... afternoon... evening... whenever you read this I guess!!!

I have to say I love fall... I just love the warm colors, the changing of bright green leaves to bright yellow, orange, and red. I enjoy cuddling up in a blanket with a warm cup of hot cocoa. It's always fun to put away the summer clothes and get out the long sleeve wardrobe and heavier layers!


The darn wind and chilly weather does make it a bit of an obstacle when it comes to outdoor portraits!

Yesterday was forecast as one of the last nice days we would be having because of a storm front coming in. It's was great when I received a call from my Hannah's mom to see if we could meet up yesterday afternoon for her senior session instead of this morning. We went ahead and rearranged our schedules and did just that!
It was a good thing we did cause...

They weren't joking either on the weather!!!

Today there is wind blowing like crazy the air is chilly and I hate to say this but the furnace at the studio is running!

A little bit more about Hannah's session....

We were on location and photographing about 2:15pm yesterday and it was great, hardly any wind and beautiful fall colors. We were laughing, smiling and really feeling blessed to have such a great day and getting to fit in the session just as we planned.

Ha ha

Then the wind came up like crazy... you'll see the awesome affect it had on Hannah's long hair!

I think it was... reminding us we are not in control!

The overall session was fantastic! I had such an enjoyable time working with them. We played with some fun ideas, explored around and made it into the studio right before it started raining! I was exposed to some new phrases that I have all but forgot!

Marilee, I will be calling you later to be reminded of those! OH... and to see what other posing ideas you may have thought of! hee hee

Thank you! I enjoyed myself very much and am grateful for your smiles and laughter!

Your sneak peak to come!