Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fall is Here!

Good morning... afternoon... evening... whenever you read this I guess!!!

I have to say I love fall... I just love the warm colors, the changing of bright green leaves to bright yellow, orange, and red. I enjoy cuddling up in a blanket with a warm cup of hot cocoa. It's always fun to put away the summer clothes and get out the long sleeve wardrobe and heavier layers!


The darn wind and chilly weather does make it a bit of an obstacle when it comes to outdoor portraits!

Yesterday was forecast as one of the last nice days we would be having because of a storm front coming in. It's was great when I received a call from my Hannah's mom to see if we could meet up yesterday afternoon for her senior session instead of this morning. We went ahead and rearranged our schedules and did just that!
It was a good thing we did cause...

They weren't joking either on the weather!!!

Today there is wind blowing like crazy the air is chilly and I hate to say this but the furnace at the studio is running!

A little bit more about Hannah's session....

We were on location and photographing about 2:15pm yesterday and it was great, hardly any wind and beautiful fall colors. We were laughing, smiling and really feeling blessed to have such a great day and getting to fit in the session just as we planned.

Ha ha

Then the wind came up like crazy... you'll see the awesome affect it had on Hannah's long hair!

I think it was... reminding us we are not in control!

The overall session was fantastic! I had such an enjoyable time working with them. We played with some fun ideas, explored around and made it into the studio right before it started raining! I was exposed to some new phrases that I have all but forgot!

Marilee, I will be calling you later to be reminded of those! OH... and to see what other posing ideas you may have thought of! hee hee

Thank you! I enjoyed myself very much and am grateful for your smiles and laughter!

Your sneak peak to come!

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