Sunday, September 27, 2009

Expecting their first child...

Matt & Jess are expecting their first child in February and were excited to start documenting the pregnancy progression. 

It was such a fun session this evening!

As the sun was going down, we were able to capture some romantic photos. Matt and Jess just make me smile and sometimes laugh whenever I look over some of the photos from the session, as I think about what was said. 

I am so happy for them and know that they will be wonderful parents!  Their child will be a lucky little one to have parents that love and support each other so much. 

I could write lots more about the couple and the fun of the session but I'm about ready to wrap up the weekends greats events.

Enjoy some of the photos I couldn't wait to share. Thanks for being relaxed and free spirits at the session.

Everyone have a fantastic week!


Joe & Britney

September 26, 2009

Joe and Britney were married at 5:45pm with the sun slipping behind the hills leaving their guests in shade and just the two of them in front of the chapel glowing in the warmth of the setting sun. The evenings celebration began with the ringing of the small chapel bell and the recessional across the bridge. The flower girls threw fall leaves down the aisle which was one of the many rich fall colors that were present at the wedding. It was a warm, peaceful fall day with lots of love in the air!

Thanks for the privilege of photographing your day!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bethany... 2010 Senior

I was trying to think of a good word to describe Bethany before I sat down to share a sneak peak of her Extreme Senior Session. I thought of "cute," but know she's more than cute! Then innocent but I'm sure her sisters would say that's not true! So I decided to say she's just adorably sweet!!!

That's two words but oh well!


Well you can see what you think from these few photos. The day was beautiful with only a few slight breezes. The temperature was perfect for fall clothes and the turning of the leaves was exciting to capture in a few of the photos.

Thanks for bringing in your last daughter Eunice!

I'm off to play some volleyball!

... enjoy!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I have to tell you a little story about Michael's session....

His dad told me that he may be a bit shy when he came in. I was like, "Aren't we all when we go into a new experience?" Especially in his case when he was woke up from his 10 minute nap in the car and poked and prodded him to keep his head up and "wake up" for his session!

OH boy! His dad was very patient with the situation and there was that time in the forty minutes of attempting to wake him up and entice him into playing football with us that I thought, "this may not happen today as we planned!"

Then.... It all changed when I pulled out the BUBBLE BLOWER!!! It was like a switch flipped and he jumped off his dad's lap and was ready to do anything for that toy gun! HA ha

By the time his dad was trying to load him up to go, Michael wanted to stay and plan football with me! We were "hut, hut, hiking" it to each other! He's a sweetheart!

I absolutely love some of the images that we were able to capture from the session and it just goes to show that you don't stand in the way of a boy and his toys! Here's some of the fun ones that I wanted to share with everyone! Michael did a great job when we found the right distraction for him.

Thanks for bringing in your son Mike!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nathan & Jennifer... +1

Oh today was great! I met Jennifer and Nathan for the first time and helped capture the joy and celebration that is between them as they are expecting their first child! The way that Jennifer would relax when Nathan was holding her brought a smile to my face every time. They're due anytime now!!! Which is even more exciting! I pray all goes well with delivery and that they are blessed with a happy and healthy baby. Congrats to the both of you and your families! Keep me posted as I look forward to meeting the addition to your family in a few months.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Skylair & Miranda annouce their New Year's Eve Wedding!

Yippie my high school friend is officially getting married on New Year's Eve! I say officially because we just got back the awesome wedding invitations today! I also got the privileged to go with her this weekend for her wedding dress fitting. I can't hardly wait for everyone else to see her in the most elegant dress and wonderful deal she got on it! Great work Miranda! I'm so happy for you!

Ken & Effie

What a beautiful day we had for their wedding in the park! They sharp colors and glowing smiles were contagious. Thanks for asking me to capture your uniting. You two bring the sparkle out in each others eyes! Congrats!


What a fun session! Denise came to the studio early in the morning and we loaded up my SUV and took off into the hills for search of the first fall colors. Her clothing was perfect for what we found! Thank you for all your enthusiasm and sweet, sweet disposition! You are truly genuine and I think we captured some fun shots from your session! You're beautiful! Thanks


Alicia's session was a wonderful exploration! We drove up into the hills, around town and finished up at the studio. She has some of the most amazing eyes and her naturally curly hair was adorable. Alicia had lots of ideas for her session and her laid back approach to life seems to show through the photos! I had a great day with you and your mom! Best of wishes in all you do. ENJOY!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Here's a sneak peak! NE and Back...

Wow!!! It's been over a week since I have had a moment of time to actually set down and send out a message of what all I've been up to! It's great not having time to keep up with my blog cause that means I am really busy! Yippie!

The other good news with being busy are the portraits I will be sharing with you in a flood of images!!!

I will try to start from the last of it all.... Well maybe I will play a little catch up then get into more detail...

After Barry and Lacey's couples session for their one year I packed up the next day and watched as Trevin and Catrina exchanged wedding vows before their family and friends and then drove off in the coolest old car!  They topped off their night out at the Old Governor's Mansion with a great dance reception provided by Marek DJ Service's here in Rapid City. CONGRATS!  ... photos to come!

On Sunday the 30th of August I met Jay and Corinne at a beautiful flower garden for some time with the two of them before their amazing families showed up for photos. Yes, I do mean that your families were "amazing." It was a fun night with some dancing to top it all off! Corinne you were absolutely astonishing! 

Then....  I had a fun packed week that led up to Ken & Effie's wedding at the park on Friday morning at 10am. I was thrilled when Effie called me to see if I would be interested in a small wedding out at the park with just the two of them and a couple that stood beside them.  It was probably more romantic and personal then they even know!  What a group! I enjoyed our laughs and will have to find out what you were doing to keep the laughs coming!  I hope your weekend away was relaxing.

And finally it was... Nebraska HERE I COME!!!  

When I arrived in Chadron, I went to meet Catja and Senna for Catja's senior session. "Cat" as everyone calls her is the foreign exchange student from Denmark. She was an absolutely joy to work with! Thanks for calling Senna to set the session up!

It's always very special for me to go back "home" to NE and stop by and see my grandparents... so that's just exactly what I did!  I enjoyed a fresh dinner from my grandparents garden on Friday night and great conversation!  Love, LOVE, LoVe you two!  Thanks for always being so supportive and encouraging!  To finish off a very productive, exciting, two state day I went home to my dad's house and crashed.

Saturday, September 5th.... Wade and Megan were united in marriage with beautiful weather and amazing colors. I spent the entire day with Megan, as she finished up her hair, applied mascara, slipped into her dress and danced with her husband for the first time! Congrats and Cheers to the two of you! Thanks for having me be a part of your day!

.... yep... if you guessed...  I loaded up on Saturday night and went back to SD to get ready for the celebration of Bud and Irene's 60th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday! Their family and friends from all over came to celebrate the milestone Bud and Irene have reached.  I asked Irene how the last 60 years went and she said that, "Life isn't easy, and sometimes you have to fight for what you want, but it's wonderful in the end!"  Thanks for the privilege to document your milestone together!

I believe that is the best place for me to end.  The joy of photographing a couples announcement as husband and wife to the celebration of 60 years of marriage, I believe that is the specialist times in two peoples lives and I LOVE being there for that!


That was an OUTSTANDING List of memorable events and celebrations. Thank you to all of you for your trust, joy and relationships as clients.  

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Barry & Lacey's 1 year

Thanks so much for coming in for your 1 year Wedding Anniversary photos and getting all dressed up again!!! Barry gave me a call the end of July asking if he could set up a session for Lacey and himself for their one year anniversary to capture some photos that were not able to be taken at their wedding.  I was thrilled when he asked me to do this!  We all met last Friday around 4pm and really were blessed with a cool evening, beautiful light and a couple that is so comfortable with each other. I told these two that it was a real "treat" for me to have a session with them before a busy weekend with two exciting weddings.  That they were so relaxed with each other and truly showed their love was another highlight.  I could jabber on and on but I mainly wanted to share a few of the outstanding images that I was able to capture during their session. Thanks for asking me to do this! You two are wonderful together!  Enjoy!