Monday, April 19, 2010


Hello everyone! WEW... all I can say is 2010 has already had so many blessings and has found a way to occupy all of my time. Leaving little to no time for blogging and any extra photo work!

I am gone from the studio till May 1st as my twin sister had her baby this weekend!!! I am an auntie to an adorable little girl!

So... as I am typing I am watching little Brooklyn sleep!

I can't wait to share some photos with all of our family and friends who have been waiting anxiously to see Brooklyn!

In the mean time.... please enjoy the beautiful spring weather we have and always take some time to spend with your family! I know why I cry every time I leave my sister... cause it's so awesome to spend time with her and her growing family!

Take care and I look forward to some future blogs when time allows!

I'm off to give my niece some loving for all the family not here!


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Update on my Newsworthy events!


Yes, I will admit... I am running out of time to update all the great session at the studio! But... I am working extra hard right now to accomplish all the exciting wedding planning. I do have to say to all the brides out there... I am fully confident when I recommend booking your most important aspects right away. It's worth changing your wedding date to have the right fit! We did a few changes to get to Dan and I's wedding date of August 28th, 2010! So... get ready for my name to be changed to Anderson by the end of August!!! Don't worry though... the studio will still stay under Hahn for now.

A thought for all the brides out there.... If you go dress shopping and you want to take a photographer along... GIVE ME A CALL!!! That is one of the most fun and exciting events of the wedding planning. You don't have to go and spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on your dress if you don't want to and if you do... MORE power to you! But you can go with some friends or family and really enjoy yourself. Then if you have photos taken you can remember all the beautiful dresses you tried on... all the smiles of your support section... and the laughter that may come from one of those dresses that just doesn't work for you!!! hee hee So... let me know what you think! I am considering it for a few packages!

For all my 2010 and 2011 brides....
*** I am off for a week to WPPI to regroup and regenerate some new ideas, designs, and ways to better suite all your wedding portrait needs!!! Can't wait to get there and LEARN - LEARN - LEARN!!! I'm really excited to get back then and GET GOING on all the new plans I am generating! So stay tuned!

With that said... if you are trying to contact me... I will be out of the studio March 7th through the 14th... Please send an e-mail ( or leave me a detailed message and I will get back to you as soon as I get back!

Enjoy your weekend!



hee hee... she's just peeking out of her scarf!
She was more excited to chew on her finger and check out her little booties than look up at mommy and daddy being all cute and funny to get her attention. I have to give these two parents a BIG thank you for all their extra help and great laughs!!!

For as rough as it started with the flower... Sophia did great when we started taking photos! What a little princess! :)

Little GIRLs!!! Sophia will just make you smile when you take a look at the photos from her session!

She made her mommy and daddy work extra hard for a smile the other night! Her outfits were adorable and well thought out!!! Thanks to her mom!

Thanks for coming in! I had a great time!

Expecting session....

Shana and Joe came in this week to capture the maternity process as they are looking forward to the birth of their baby the middle of April!!! I know they say that you are supposed to glow when you are expecting... Shana YOU SURE DO GLOW!!!

Great to meet you both and excited to see your little one in the next month or so!

Congrats again!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Brady & Marin

What fun! I was really excited when Marin called me last week and asked if I would take their engagement photos when they were back in town. They met in college and are planning a July wedding in eastern South Dakota. These two have such a genuine relationship! I wish them only the best and thanks for the laughs!

It was a bit chilly but they made it through their outdoor in February session!!! The geese were a hysterical obstacle! ha ha! I couldn't help but to take a few photos of when they came to visit us!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Austin & Erin

What a beautiful frosty morning we had on Saturday! Erin and Austin had a bit of cold to fight through but thanks to their great attitudes we have some exciting photos to show!

I'm excited for your wedding... you two have such a great relaxed approach! It's refreshing!

The more I look over the portraits I realize your genuine looks and can't wait to work with you in a few short months!

Friday, January 22, 2010


WOW! What a fun, fun session we had! Bethany has such a relaxed and easy going attitude and we really go to play around with some fun things at her session. She wanted snow, so we found snow! I know you wouldn't think that would be hard in South Dakota this time of year, but it can be tricky!

Thanks for your free spirit and wonderful expressions! I had a great time working with you and capturing all your cute nose wrinkles too!


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My BIG News!!!

Well... I guess to talk about my engagement story I would have to say it started out with a WARNING.... :)

My fiance was to be in court and when he texted me saying he was running late, but that I should meet him at my house instead of waiting, I packed up for the day and left the studio. The studio is across the street from the court house so I see lots of law enforcement personal and always try to make sure I am not breaking any traffic violations! hee hee

I was driving along to my house when I noticed the police vehicle that had pulled out close to when I did, was still behind me. I kept going and when I turned onto my street I glanced back and didn't see them anymore. Then to MY SURPRISE... his lights came on! So I pulled over. He asked for my licence and registration. (as always... I didn't have it organized and was giving him papers like my oil change! ha ha) He asked if I knew why I was pulled over.... I replied that I had no idea... he said my right brake light was out. Well shoot... I thought!!! I better get that fixed and I had no idea! He went back to his vehicle to enter my information.

I sat in the car thinking... maybe I should text Dan (my boyfriend at the time :) and tell him I was going to be late. Ohhh wait maybe I should tell him (since he is a police officer!) that I was pulled over and I may "need" some of his help!!!! I decided against them and just sat there and cleaned my car while I waited!!!

When the officer came back he handed me my information and told me he had just given a warning but that I should get my light fixed right away! Then he asked me if I had ever had any speeding tickets, fines or broken any laws before. I SAID NO! He replied with... "Well there is someone in Nebraska with your name and birth date that has a warrant out for their arrest! and... "Did I know anything about this?" NO.... I didn't know anything about this! He kept looking at me and I starting thinking this was a joke... so I kinda laughed and said "Are you serious?!?!" He proceedes to tell me, "I'll need you to step out of the vehicle." OH NO!!! It was crazy I was so confused and so I asked if I should turn off my car or leave it running. ha ha

While we were walking back to his vehicle I notice the back passenger door open, I looked at the police officer and back at the opening door to see DAN!!! At first he and I both agree that I thought it was just a terrible joke! Then I realized he had flowers and a BIG grin on his face. He walked toward me and I kinda started walking back to my car cause I was crying at this time from all the emotional feelings rushing around!!! LOL He caught my arm, got down on one knee and ASKED ME TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH HIM! Well... that's at least the gist of it! I really didn't know what he said till we watched the video! I could hardly stand up I was so nervous, then upset (yes, that's a mean joke!), and then excited!

YEP YEP!!!! It was very memorable and I couldn't ask for more!

Here are a few photos of the ring for all of my family and friends who aren't here and are excited to see the outward first steps leading up to the marriage! OH... and I couldn't leave out the WARNING ticket that I got for a little memory token! hee hee It's official too... even have the brake light in there and then WILL YOU MARRY ME! Just so you know... my brake lights work just fine!! It was funny afterwards... I asked Dan if my break lights really did need to be fixed!!! LOL

I better get back to work! I wanted to share with everyone the exciting news and look forward to keeping you up with the exciting details!!!

IF ANYONE ELSE wants to share their engagement story let me know!!!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Skylair & Miranda

This is the fabulous looking couple that I wrapped up 2009 with and cheered in 2010!!!

Miranda is a wonderful friend from high school and it was such a joy to watch her go down the aisle and to celebrate with all the families on their uniting in marriage! 


It was a brisk cold day on New Year's Eve but these two were very tough and we went out in the cold for a few minutes to grab some photos and see if Miranda could not fall in her stilettos. I really will have to load a photo of the cute shoes she wore!!! They were pretty adorable!

Thanks for the wonderful memories! It was great to see all of the friends from back home and to laugh at all the stories from back then.

Cheers to you two!

Monday, January 4, 2010


Here's a few of Will's Session today!!!

We had a blast and he was a trooper out in the cold!

His dog, Bruce, was the WINNER for BEST BEHAVED!!! Seriously he jumped out of the truck and then wa... la... we were done!!!

Thanks for coming up here Will! Great to see you and your fam!
