Well... I guess to talk about my engagement story I would have to say it started out with a WARNING.... :)

I was driving along to my house when I noticed the police vehicle that had pulled out close to when I did, was still behind me. I kept going and when I turned onto my street I glanced back and didn't see them anymore. Then to MY SURPRISE... his lights came on! So I pulled over. He asked for my licence and registration. (as always... I didn't have it organized and was giving him papers like my oil change! ha ha) He asked if I knew why I was pulled over.... I replied that I had no idea... he said my right brake light was out. Well shoot... I thought!!! I better get that fixed and I had no idea! He went back to his vehicle to enter my information.
I sat in the car thinking... maybe I should text Dan (my boyfriend at the time :) and tell him I was going to be late. Ohhh wait maybe I should tell him (since he is a police officer!) that I was pulled over and I may "need" some of his help!!!! I decided against them and just sat there and cleaned my car while I waited!!!
When the officer came back he handed me my information and told me he had just given a warning but that I should get my light fixed right away! Then he asked me if I had ever had any speeding tickets, fines or broken any laws before. I SAID NO! He replied with... "Well there is someone in Nebraska with your name and birth date that has a warrant out for their arrest! and... "Did I know anything about this?" NO.... I didn't know anything about this! He kept looking at me and I starting thinking this was a joke... so I kinda laughed and said "Are you serious?!?!" He proceedes to tell me, "I'll need you to step out of the vehicle." OH NO!!! It was crazy I was so confused and so I asked if I should turn off my car or leave it running. ha ha
While we were walking back to his vehicle I notice the back passenger door open, I looked at the police officer and back at the opening door to see DAN!!! At first he and I both agree that I thought it was just a terrible joke! Then I realized he had flowers and a BIG grin on his face. He walked toward me and I kinda started walking back to my car cause I was crying at this time from all the emotional feelings rushing around!!! LOL He caught my arm, got down on one knee and ASKED ME TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH HIM! Well... that's at least the gist of it! I really didn't know what he said till we watched the video! I could hardly stand up I was so nervous, then upset (yes, that's a mean joke!), and then excited!
YEP YEP!!!! It was very memorable and I couldn't ask for more!

Here are a few photos of the ring for all of my family and friends who aren't here and are excited to see the outward first steps leading up to the marriage! OH... and I couldn't leave out the WARNING ticket that I got for a little memory token! hee hee It's official too... even have the brake light in there and then WILL YOU MARRY ME! Just so you know... my brake lights work just fine!! It was funny afterwards... I asked Dan if my break lights really did need to be fixed!!! LOL

IF ANYONE ELSE wants to share their engagement story let me know!!!
ReplyDeleteWe are so happy for you! You are such a sweet person and I hope Dan knows what a wonderful girl he has chosen to spend the rest of his life with! What a great story!
The Rischlings