Happy Tuesday!!! What a great time of year it is! I mean I can't help but to sit here at my desk and smile... SMILE... SmILe! I love Christmas lights, trees, stockings, nativities, and oh... the wonderful smells of the holidays!
Yes, if you need a little get away stop by the studio... I have candles burning (they are awesome!!!), the tree lit and it's pretty cozy!!! After today with the weather changing... I think I'm in the perfect place to stay warm.
Today was such an amazing day. I got to meet Nathan and Jennifer's addition to their family... Shawn!!! What a complete sweetheart he is! I loved getting to cuddle him! Such a happy and cheery baby. We tried really hard to get smiles out of him during the session, but we struggled. It wasn't until he was packed up for the car ride that smiles came out... ahhhh :) that's how it goes!!! hee hee
Then this evening Matt & Jenna (I hope I am spelling that right! I forgot to have you write it down for me!) stopped by with their two year old and their little baby boy! Avery loved my bubble blower and the "pretties" around the studio. aka... jewelry!!! Ha ha what a fun time she always has. Carter just hung out most of the session, with bright, wide open eyes. A wonderful family! I just keep smiling at how great it is to see such happy families. To see the love that is still in the parents eyes. The way they work together with the children.
ha ha ha...
and the best... how silly they are willing to look along with me to make their children smile!
Thank you for trusting me with such precious moments in your lives and the lives of your children.
Photos to come!