Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year's Eve Wedding

Tomorrow I get to bring in the New Year with a celebration of Miranda and Skylair's wedding!  It will be a reunion for our class as well as for the many of those with whom went to college with the bride and groom. I'm anxiously awaiting tomorrow and will have many stories to share for the start of the 2010 year.

Thank YOU to all of you who have trusted me to be a part of your BIG day this year!  I have many fond memories and laughs with each of you. 

SO HERE'S to you all and may your new year be full of JOY, prosperity, HeAlth and may you live each day as if it were your last!  


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas


I got home late last night to my dad's and I'm excited to get my snow boats on and head outside where all the trees are perfectly covered with frost! It's absolutely breathtaking out here at the Hahn Ranch to see the snow covered hills and frost covered trees. 

I have been looking at the weather and pray that everyone gets safely wherever you are heading for the holidays. Spending this time with your friends and family is really the true gift of the season. 

I know children are anticipating the final countdown to Christmas morning.  I have always anticipated the Christmas Eve service with candle light and the traditional carols that uplift and bring a smile to everyones face. It truly brings "joy" to your heart! 

Drive Safely...  Celebrate the Season... and Merry Christmas to you all!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Gunnar & Jessica

It was a warm winter day on Saturday. The snow was still covering the ground and in spots it was slowly melting away. I arrived at the church to set up for the day and was excited when I saw the dress that Jessica had picked out! It was absolutely fun and topped off with the bright red heals, made for the perfect attire for a winter wedding.

Here are a few of Jessica that we took before Gunnar showed up....

Friday, December 18, 2009


Oh my goodness! This has been a wonderful week. I got to meet Piper and Jamison. They both came in for their newborn sessions.

Piper's parents were referred to me by my great friend. They are the proud parents of such a sweet sweet daughter. She has dark brown hair, almost black and quite a bit of it. Her skin has an amazing complexion and she's just adorable. 

I have refrained from posting any photos as I know these sessions are for lots of Christmas gifts!!!

Today, Josh and Brenda brought in their little boy, Jamison who will be two weeks old on Sunday!  He still has the new skin and we all had the joy of trying to catch the glimpse of his little eyes peaking out!!! OH what a sweetheart. I will look forward to sharing some of their images from the new family, the wrinkled faces and the stocking!

I have been blessed so greatly this year and have wonderful clients like these to thank for this. 

Tomorrow I will be photographing the marriage of Gunnar and Jessica. They have been very patient in planning their wedding through the distances they've lived away from the hills. Now they are back to celebrate their joining with family and friends. The weather looks to be warmer tomorrow and I can't wait to work with some of the new equipment I have purchased since the last wedding the end of October.

I pray everyones holidays are warm and bright with the smiling faces of friends and family!!!

Countdown to Christmas I can't wait! 

Thursday, December 3, 2009

the family...

Here are some of the photos from the sessions!!! There were so many wonderful images I had a hard time grabbing a few to share!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Family Sessions

Happy Tuesday!!! What a great time of year it is! I mean I can't help but to sit here at my desk and smile... SMILE... SmILe! I love Christmas lights, trees, stockings, nativities, and oh... the wonderful smells of the holidays!

Yes, if you need a little get away stop by the studio... I have candles burning (they are awesome!!!), the tree lit and it's pretty cozy!!! After today with the weather changing... I think I'm in the perfect place to stay warm.

Today was such an amazing day. I got to meet Nathan and Jennifer's addition to their family... Shawn!!! What a complete sweetheart he is! I loved getting to cuddle him! Such a happy and cheery baby. We tried really hard to get smiles out of him during the session, but we struggled. It wasn't until he was packed up for the car ride that smiles came out... ahhhh :) that's how it goes!!! hee hee

Then this evening Matt & Jenna (I hope I am spelling that right! I forgot to have you write it down for me!) stopped by with their two year old and their little baby boy! Avery loved my bubble blower and the "pretties" around the studio. aka... jewelry!!! Ha ha what a fun time she always has. Carter just hung out most of the session, with bright, wide open eyes. A wonderful family! I just keep smiling at how great it is to see such happy families. To see the love that is still in the parents eyes. The way they work together with the children.

ha ha ha...
and the best... how silly they are willing to look along with me to make their children smile!

Thank you for trusting me with such precious moments in your lives and the lives of your children.


Photos to come!


What a beautiful senior! I had so much fun with M'Lynn and her mom yesterday. The weather was beautiful and we were outside for the whole session. I mean we couldn't have asked for a better day. I laughed so much!!! ha ha I could tell every time M'Lynn had a great smile that her mom was doing something that was making her brighten up. :) What a special bond they have.

Cute clothes, fabulous scarves, and wonderful smile!!!

Thank you for taking the stairs with me about a dozen times girls! I had a great day and enjoyed our chats and laughs. You two are a breath of fresh air!!!!

Best of wishes in all you M'Lynn!!!