Friday, June 5, 2009

What a wonderful Week!

First things first!  I just got back from a wedding (which I will create a post for later!) and a week with some great photographers in Iowa.  One of the great photographers is a very dear friend of mine. Loni, thanks for a wonderful week together!  I enjoyed all of our laughs, talks and the stories we have to share. I also want to thank another great friend who we stayed with along the way. Sara, I don't know too many people who take in friends at all hours of the night and then get up and cook them a home cooked breakfast. You are truly a wonderful host and friend. Thanks for opening your home. It was a real treat getting to see your smiling face again. I miss your giggle. 
To the new friends I met during the week at the professional photography schooling, I hope we can all stay in touch!   

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