Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The week after being gone!

I always prepare myself for the week after I get back from being gone that it will be kinda crazy!  I think I did a good job preparing myself for it this time except my computer is trying to make it a bit more interesting. Ha ha No worries though. I just turned it off and left for the night a bit earlier!!!  I play on a coed 6 on 6 sand volleyball league on Tuesday  nights and find that it is a relief to any technology stresses that creep into my days!  We had a tough time playing tonight because of all the moisture we've been getting the sand was soaked and didn't give to much when we went diving. I don't think I've had that much competition for over a year. It was a great night with two games back to back!  I know why I fell in love with this sport years ago!  On the photography side I have been working away on getting the wedding photos from the last two weddings ready for the couples to view.  I also got in a few more pieces of equipment for the studio which is super exciting. I think the term "multi-tasking" is merely a small indicator to what I've been doing the last two days. I mean I literally have two computers running with two to five programs on each, the new equipment laid out and ready for assembly, clients in and out, phone ringing, assembling equipment, orders to get ready for pick up.... it's awesome!!! I love it all!!!  Life is great and I think I just wanted to share the fact that everyday has something fun and exciting about it if you just take a step back and look. Today there were lots of great parts but if I didn't have photography to keep me busy I would have loved to be blessed with the talent to be a professional volleyball player!!!  Have a great one! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. YAY FOR VOLLEYBALL!!! (From a fellow vball lover... hehe!) And Yay for your awesome multi-tasking photography skills! :) I can't wait to see the pictures in the fog!


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