Thursday, May 21, 2009

College Graduation!

This past weekend I was spoiled with some enjoyable time with family and friends at a college graduation in Wyoming! My twin sister's in-laws even gave me the honor to photograph their family portraits. I haven't posted any photos of myself but if you want to see what a look like go ahead and look at the young woman in the photos that's almost the tallest one standing with her husband and the hair above her shoulders. That's my twin, Jessi, and she is about as close to a comparison as you can get! I am keeping these posts short and sweet because I am busy getting the studio finished up for the STUDIO GRAND OPENING on this Saturday 2-5pm! Anyone in town or passing through come on in and enjoy some treats and punch. Speaking of the treats they will have to be a post in themselves! I just had a terrific time making them. :) Thanks for the wonderful weekend with some great food and lots of laughs!!! Oh... the grandma's still make me laugh when I look at their looks when I told them to jump!!! hee hee

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