Saturday, April 18, 2009

Oren & Michele

Today was a wonderful day!  Oren and Michele were extremely patient as the weather tried to test them. But... Rain on your wedding day is GOOD LUCK!!! Their colors were refreshing and the day went off better than I believe anyone could have planned.  Thanks to all of the family and friends of the couple for helping to make it such a wonderful celebration. I didn't get to trying to cake but it was a site to see!  (Way to go bother of the bride!!!)  CONGRATS to the happy couple! I had a great day and am so happy for you!

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Band

Jonny Lunchmeat hit the stage at Dublin Square tonight and I got to snap a few photos of them.  Here are a few of the unedited ones to share with you!  If you are interested you can check out their myspace site.  

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Studio Grand Opening Scheduled

It is official.... The studio Grand Opening will be on Saturday, May 23 from 2-5pm. The studio location is downtown on St Joseph Street across from the courthouse.  The exact address is 324 St. Joseph Street Suite 203.  There will be drinks, h'our dourves, products and portraits on display, friends and much, much more!  Anyone who comes to the opening and books their family, senior, child or engagement session receives 10% OFF.  If you are town or need a a weekend away come by I'd love to see you!