Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Karl & Joni's Engagement Photos...

I had to share a few of the hundreds of fun photos that I captured of Karl and Joni for their engagement session. 

We all drove out to Karl's families farm early evening for these photos. It was kind of a questionable day as the wind was blowing terribly. We all kept our spirits up and carried on with the plan! But when we arrived at the farm the wind was still pretty scary for Joni's beautiful long hair.  Instead of starting off with photos we just cooked up an amazing dinner and sat down to enjoy it together.

When we finished up with the last dishes the wind had went down so much more and we were on our way to beautifully lit photos.  BUT WAIT.... if it wasn't enough with the wind... then we had the mosquitos swarming all over us! Oh yes! They were every where. In some of the photos I will be editing them off of Karl and Joni's head as they were trying to hold still for the picture before they swatted away the mosquitos again. LOL  That was so much fun! Thanks for working through all the awesome conditions for the amazing images with the sun going down too!  You two are absolutely the cutest together!!!

These two are to be married next June at Sylvan Lake.  I really can say that they have what it takes and wish them so many exciting moments together.  Thanks for asking me to be your wedding photographer! I'm so excited to see you two exchange vows!!!

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