Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Wow!!! The summer is just flying by! When I was little I remember how my grandparents would always comment how the more years they got under their belt the faster the years flew by. I thought, "Man, that's crazy! There aren't anymore seconds in a minute or less hours in a day." But it's a weird feeling when you start feeling as if this is happening to you. I believe a lot of this comes from the hurrying, worrying and constant deadlines of our lives today. I know I get caught up in the rat race of life and work more often than I would like to admit, but there are always those who bring me back... the seniors!!! Seniors have a way of feeling like they are on top of the world and the skies the limit to all that they image and dream at this point in their lives. They have it figured out! One day at a time! So here's one of my favorite photos from Thomas's session. I think we all thought that we'd just photograph this shirt and tie quickly and get on to the rest of the "fun" outfits and then it turned out to be very sharp! Thanks for coming in Thomas!

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